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Fucking everything but a Guy (and well maybe the Guy)

by nickb on May 2nd, 2006

An author once said (and I like to butcher this quote of hers) ‘I kept waiting for my life to begin, I’d always think, if I get over this one item I can start living my life. Then I realized that these struggles were my life, and I was living it.” I butchered that worse than last time.. At least I’m making progress…

Okay. So I had my first counseling session last night. Now one of the things I said was I’m wanting to move out of Cincinnati. (this should not be news)
I’m curious how much of a metaphor that is. I threw out two possible cities, Denver and Seattle. Now the thing is when I think of Denver I think of a great physically active life, and when I think of Seattle I think of a great social life.

The thing is realistically moving to Seattle or Denver isn’t going to fix one of these things overnight, it might make them easier, but I’m buying into the grass is greener on the other side of the fence fallacy. I need to forget about the grass (besides it is a weed), better yet, fuck the grass. (Okay or don’t fuck the grass, I’m not going to be dictating personal sexual preferences here.) Okay but seriously. The grass is greener theory is fundamentally making a comparison to an unknown. I don’t want to get stuck into the trap of comparing myself to the Joneses, I don’t feel any need to keep up with them, fuck the Joneses (Well especially if he is cute..)

Okay so I need to get off to work. Although it does feel good blogging again, something coherent. (sort of.)

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