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I’m sorry

by nickb on July 11th, 2006

To the coworker who is pissing me off:

I’m sorry I ever gave a fuck about helping you.

I’m sorry I invested time in helping you do your job more quickly.

I’m sorry we started a ritual of sharing coffee every morning that crassly got stopped when we had a stupid argument.

I’m sorry you’re not mature enough to want to discuss it, despite my pleadings to the contrary.

I’m sorry you’re infatuated with the latest trick to come around, enjoy him for the couple of weeks he has left.

I’m sorry I even give enough of a crap to get annoyed by the fact that you won’t have a discussion with me about it.

To others:

I’m sorry to myself for dwelling over such bullshit when there is a childish bitch at the other end who can’t stop being so self centered to actually try to improve something.

I’m sorry for dragging others into this bullshit and wasting their time.

I’m going to be done with this in a minute.

I need to be done with this.

I’m done with it.

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