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Annoyed at a Banana.

by nickb on August 3rd, 2006

I just got an utterly strange feeling of being pissed off at a Banana.

Okay, so I left Chiquita on not so good terms, which a lot of people don’t understand. Many people think that I failed Chiquita, that I shirked my responsibility to Chiquita. But what about Chiquita’s responsibility to me?

I stated no less than four times to no less that four different people (One Director, Two Supervisors, and One HR Professional) that I needed help in a few specific skill areas. (I’m sure it was more times, but I can cite specific times when I said this.

What came of asking for help? Nothing. I would’ve been happy to have been pointed in the right direction, but I didn’t even get that.

So I emailed one of my previous blog entries off to the CEO, basically stating, here’s some feedback that I think you might be interested in. We engaged in an in depth conversation that reached nine printed pages. I think one of the things that annoys me the most is that he stated “I have been told a few times before that there is sufficient training … that when employees ask, typically the company tries to find ways to help.”

So there is a problem. Either someone in the HR side of the organization is misinformed and therefore slightly incompetent, (Not having accurate information about the organization when your job to have information about the organization is incompetence.) or is being dishonest. Neither is good, but I hope its the former, and not the later, as the later brings in the fact that you have executives not practicing the core values of the company.

Chiquita failed me, I failed Chiquita.

Who failed worse is a matter of semantics and a point that isn’t worth arguing.

The bottom line is I won’t accept criticism for how I left.

Its an unfortunate mess, and no where near as tasty as a banana smoothie.

An Update (8/3/2006 at 1830 EST): A birdie has told me that the training was coming down the pipeline, which makes me feel better, but still it would’ve been nice if I had some idea..

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