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My Faith in Excel is shattered

by nickb on September 8th, 2006

Anyone who has known me for long enough knows that while I’m no fan of Microsoft I love Microsoft Excel. I’ve long believed it is the best written Microsoft product.

My faith in Excel just got smashed.

So I took a list of numbers from a CSV file that should add up to 0. (If you must know I’m mucking with a bill from a service provider thats all fucked up. They missed giving me the proper credit, so I’m detailing for them what the additional credits should be, so we should get to a zero sum.)

For those of you who want to check up on my the initial list is:

So when I add this list up I get 0.00. Excel gets -0.00000000000001609823385706480. I even tried the other way round this and did two intermediate sums where I got 12.89 and -12.89, which Excel Adds up to -0.00000000000001598721155460230.

I can’t figure out what the hell is going on, although I have checked every number to make sure there isn’t a some rounded number being displayed with two digits.. So I’m stumped, and my faith is shattered.

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