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House Keeping Time Zone

by nickb on October 2nd, 2006

I’m cleaning out a bunch of small things right now. One of those that I kept meaning to do was a note on the blog regarding the time zone on

After some thinking about it and research I’m going to keep it on US Eastern Time. The reasons for this are:

  • The ISP that is hosted on,, is located in US Eastern Time in New York City.
  • I’ve not adjusted the edit dates and times of entries that I’ve made from other time zones in the past.
  • Movable type 2.63, the blogging software that I use, (I know I’m using an old version, but I’m happy with it and don’t feel like mucking with a major upgrade.) only supports one time zone for the whole blog, not per entry, so if I were to change the time zone of the blog, it would redo all the previous entries..
  • I was born in Eastern Time.

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