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Use for Beer: Dealing with the Stupid Classmates

by nickb on October 26th, 2006

So, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with my online discussions in class is to drink a beer while reading the discussion. This is mostly because I’ve found the quality of writing and thought on the discussion boards is so fucking poor much of the time, to even things up I’d have to have three or four beers. So one just sort of takes the edge off the differential.

Yes, I know that is condescending and rude. But, it is justified. So, I’ll give you an example to illustrate my point. This is from my 300-level social psychology course:

Subject: self-esteem

When I was younger I had really low self-esteem. I had a small chest and a big gap in my teeth. I looked like a little boy when I was actually a 13 yr old girl. I got braces and went from being called Gap to metal mouth. A step up but it still kept me down ( I never smiled or talked much) and I still looked like a boy. When I was a freshman in high school I finally got a girlish figure but that just made things worse I looked like a girl and that just caused other problems. I didnt really have a great self-esteem until I moved here to Ohio and made friends with a girl who was a junior at the time and played water polo. By getting me involved in sports and also me getting my braces off I got a big self-esteem boost and felt like I was more than a girl or a look I was a person who had feelings and wasnt going to put up with people putting me or anyone else down. Just as an example my senior year in high school I was the only senior on the water polo team and there were five juniors so when I got hurt and was out for the season they took over. One of them got onto a power trip and started telling the younger teammates that they were stupid and worthless players not deserving to play on this team. Well I was at that practice and she didnt say anything like that ever again because I told her that she had no right to put people down like that and she had no reason to critisize people just because she wasnt happy.

Just because someone treats you badly doesnt mean you can take it out on others because that jut causes a big cycle of low self-esteem and anger and saddness.

Yes, that passes for 300 level college discussion in Kentucky. Now do you understand why I got the hell out of there?

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