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Great Day

by nickb on October 27th, 2006

Yesterday (Wednesday) I grabbed the CLEP Official Study Guide, and took the practice exam for the Analyzing and Interpreting literature. I got a more or less passing score on the practice exam, so I decided that:

  1. I could waste a bunch of time by studying for the exam
  2. or given that I had more or less passed a version of the exam I could take the official exam, if I passed great, if I didn’t I could retake it in six months after studying

I chose number two. And things turned out really well, I got a score of 64. The scale is 20 to 80, and 51 is considered the spot where they grant credit. So I started my day off by knocking out a class that had threatened to delay my graduation date.

Next on the list was a phone call to Jenni to gloat about said exam while driving to IKEA to pick up some Swedish groceries. Whereupon arriving I managed to get in and out in 30 minutes, a feat in and of itself, but I added in a quick snack of Swedish meatballs.

Next up, a car wash, because the poor thing had pollen dust all over it.

After that I returned home to unpack groceries, do a little bit more work for my speech class at 6. I then hopped in the car, grabbed some Starbucks on the way and went to class. (There is nothing like preparing well in advance, but doing it last minute is just more fun.) One of my speeches was 2 seconds short (easy to do when you’re going for a 30 to 45 second envelope) and the other came in right on the nose.. so it was a great day…

Oh, and I’ve avoided social psychology and beer tonight, so that probably has something to do with it.

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