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Statement on Iraq

by nickb on November 16th, 2006

Given the recent midterm election and the renewed focus on what the United States should do with Iraq, I feel it is important to state my position on the issue.

While I stand by my previously expressed position that invading Iraq was a bad idea, I do not support a unilateral withdraw of troops from Iraq. For better or worse the United States is responsible for the situation in Iraq. While it may be convenient to state that this is George W. Bush’s folly, the United States as a country is responsible for the situation.

Just as a parent owes to a child a good start in life, the United States owes Iraqis a stable manageable start to their newfound country-hood without Saddam Hussein.

To withdraw our troops without stabilizing Iraq is morally reprehensible and is not a legacy any American should want for their country.

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