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Tradition! Tradition… Tradition!

by nickb on November 26th, 2006

I just went to my Aunt and Uncle’s house for Thanksgiving. This is the second year in a row that I’ve gone there, and I’m liking the tradition.

I dunno about you but my life has been devoid of traditions for quite some time. (And yes, I’ve had that perky little song from fiddler going through my head.)

Traditions are important, because they remind you who you are, and help weave structure into your life to help you know where you’ve come from and where you’re going.

I know my parents have started reading this, so I’ll keep this short and tactful: After they divorced the traditions that our family had just fizzled out the window. Not all at once mind you, but Christmas is no longer the joyous time that I remember it, instead it feels like some former vestige of itself, where perhaps we all get together and tiptoe around the tension, or some years we don’t and it turns into a lets shuttle between everyone’s houses.

This is one of the reasons I really want to find the right guy, so that I can settle down and start making some of our own traditions… That sounds so domestic, and perhaps boring, but I had a counselor who told me once that routines are what allow us to have a structure to build upon.

Perhaps this is one of those reasons I jumped in the car and left Seattle. I want to start building a home and traditions, but I can’t see myself doing that in the midwest..

Cherish the traditions you have, they’re more important than you know.

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