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Tailgating friendship

by nickb on January 5th, 2007

I’m being cuddled up to by one of the most consistent, persistent, and expert cuddlers I’ve ever known: Shaun, my lovable mexican sewer rat. (e.g. One of the two Felis silvestris catus that walked into my internal combustion engine powered hunks of metal almost four years ago.)

A friend mentioned to my on my world-wind trip back through southwest ohio that she didn’t realize how lonely I was. She was wrong and right.

On the same trip my sister, the deftly skilled interviewer, asked me “Do you miss Dayton?” and I, being the deftly skilled politician, answered, “I miss you all.” (This of course was followed by a pointed observation that I didn’t answer the question.)

Also on the same trip I re-experienced the joy of being tailgate, mind you not just any tailgating, this is the good ol’ lets drive 10 feet behind you at 60 miles an hour tailgating. (This is about 0.10 seconds between cars.)

I’ve found a new method of cardiovascular exercise, it simply involves commenting to my roommate on how she doesn’t actually do her chores at the house, which results in her using the world’s worst conflict resolution skills® (essentially high pitched screaming that comes out of blue), which raises my heart rate.. If this were actually helpful exercise I’d have lost ten pounds by now.

The Seattle adventure® is hitting an interesting point right now.

  • The aforementioned roommate has prompted me to quietly begin looking for places to move to.
  • I’m lonely in a way I wasn’t lonely in Cincinnati.. In Cincinnati, I was missing a very specific type of companionship that the friend above didn’t have the ability to provide, specifically romantic companionship. I’ve not found that yet, but I’m enjoying the search, and I’ve probably gone on more dates in the past six weeks than I did in my last six months in Cincinnati.

    I’m a bit lonely here in Seattle because I’m still needing to expand my circle of friends, which I’ll do, but right now it’ll just take more time. I’ve never been one to quickly make lots of friends, but those I do make I tend to keep.

I miss my friends back in the midwest. (hey y’all! Move out here, we’ll all rent a house together!)

But, I don’t miss the midwest, especially not those damn tailgaters.

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