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Grand Groundhog Gorgeous Week

by nickb on January 14th, 2007


I really really want to be back in the first week and a half or so of January 2003.

Shawn and I had just started dating, things were looking up at Lambda Union and life had a nice neat plan that seemed to work and make sense.

It would be nice if I just had groundhog week, and I could replay that week over and over again. In so many ways I identify that short period as being some sort of ideal. I had a cute, intelligent boyfriend who knew how to cuddle. Politically things looked like I was in line to become the President of Lambda Union, a powerful BLGT organization at Wright State.

By the end of the month I had attempted suicide. Yeah, so if that wasn’t an Oedipean month I don’t know what is.

I can’t see things through the end of February. I’ve been on a grand adventure, and well, I’m not sure what the next chapter of this story is.

Ultimately I’ll be fine. But just as I was starting working for Starbucks one of my coworkers had to pack up and leave because he had run out of money. It seems his grand quest to Seattle had been cut short. So now you know what is in the back of my head.

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