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Close distance

by nickb on January 24th, 2007

I just found out that a close family member didn’t tell me something really big.

I love my family, we’re all amazingly different but we still pull together. I learned about this from mom, and she was surprised that I didn’t already know. She had just expected that I would’ve been the first one to be told. (yet another reason why I should call my mother more often.)

I just wrote more about this in my Personal eJournal, but unfortunately I took away her login name and password. But, I ended that entry by saying this:

Why can’t I fix the world’s problems, let alone the problems of those close to me? Why is the tendency for one to want to be omnipotent, but have no capacity to be all knowing and all powerful?

I know she’s embarrassed, but I don’t care, I love her no matter what. There really isn’t any question in that anymore.

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