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Horny Intelligence

by nickb on February 17th, 2007

I worked at a really busy Starbucks in an office building three times this week.

I’m not ever sure I thought I’d say this but I miss working in an office.

Don’t get me wrong – there are utterly boring moments in offices, but after making your 500th double tall non-fat latte you kinda long for a more complex problem to solve.

I actually ended up writing a three page proposal for a snazzy idea that is classic Nick: take a bunch of pieces and put them together in a new and novel way.

When I was in middle school I developed a novel method to run a mailing list to send 10,000+ people David Letterman’s Top Ten list. Mind you this was before you could get a free mailing list over at Yahoo! Groups.

I just put together a $15/year mail forwarding account with a $10/month shell account (Mind you that $10/month was for my internet connectivity, plus my shell account.), some shell script, procmail, small C programs and I had myself a cheap mailing list. Somehow I did this without getting sued by worldwide pants or CBS for copyright infringement, or pissing off my ISP.

It wasn’t exactly brilliant or high tech, I just took a bunch of pieces and put them together.

I want to go out to dinner with someone and have a conversation

This is incredibly delayed but what the fuck is it with gay men?

I had someone who I met online several months ago. We had really fun online conversations that lasted for a good number of hours.

So we went on an in person date, which went alright. We didn’t quite click, but it was good.

So then he’s not online for a long week then when he does come back online he tells me it isn’t right and he doesn’t want to date. Fine, I figure we’ll have some good online conversations still, right?

Nope. Its a complete 180 holding a conversation with him was like pulling teeth, if he was around.

I just don’t get why you’d break of something so completely.

I’m going to a cuddle party next week, should be interesting

This is the period of things where I need to tough it out. I have 2.5 months left in class, and then I will graduate. This is 7.75 years after I started college. This ends up being a total of 21.75 years of school.

I’m kinda crazy to be thinking of getting my MBA at this point.

I want to/need to put that energy into something real.

Honestly modern academics is the biggest waste of words. I’d like to know the number of words each year that get read exactly once, reduced into a number or letter in a grade book only then to be reduced into a grade on a transcript to be yet again reduced into a symbolic expensive piece of paper that says, yes I demonstrated that I have a capacity to do something, but it was just all to demonstrate that I have the capacity to do something.

I’ve met so many people who have gotten their bachelors who have no idea how to actually do something

Put it this way you can be an expert at masturbating, and know nothing about sex.

Education for the most part is learning how to masturbate, with some examples of how to have sex.

I’ll end here: I’m tired of just jerking off, I want to get to the real thing.

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