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Roommates Roast

by nickb on April 3rd, 2007

I found a new roommate situation.

I’m probably jinxing it by writing about it at this point, but I’ve been looking since 2007 was, and I’ve gotten pretty discouraged by the choices that I had available to me. I got to the point that I seriously, seriously considered sending my two mexican sewer roasts back to live with one of their aunts or uncles, or perhaps even their grandmother or grandfather, because I kept running into great places that wouldn’t accept felines.

I’ve still got to finish out the paperwork and get accepted, but I don’t think that is going to be a huge issue.

My new place? Its right near the building, which I think is really cool. The picture doesn’t do this buildings iconic position near the I-90/I-5 interchange justice.

Oh and of course I’m thrilled to get away from Barron. Nothing new on that front, but seriously someone needs to teach her how to clean the fuck up after herself.

Oh, you might’ve asked what are mexican sewer roasts? hehe, one of my boys smelt a bit like French Roast Coffee, so well, every cat in the house got a “coffee name” Their coffee names along with their sewer rat names are The last two cats are anti-Barron’s cats. (i.e. the good roommate’s cats)

Given Name Sewer Rat Name Coffee Name
Shaun Mexican Sewer Rat French Roast
George Mexican Sewer Rat Breakfast Blend
Raven Eastern European Sewer Rat Italian Roast
Krishna French Sewer Rat Casi Cielo

Ah, now I know I’ve gone nuts.

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