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Being the Impetus

by nickb on April 16th, 2007

Its been a kind of strange week. (not an actual week though, for those of you who remember taking your SATs: (this definition of week):week::Walt Disney World’s definition of a year:year) I told my roommates on April 3rd that I’m moving out on/by May 3.

Its been interesting noticing them both making plans and arrangements to move out by the end of May.

Its empowering to make change. Not that I’m really forcing them to change, but I’ve made the decision to make change for myself and that has ripples.

I just took a look at the calendar, and a look at what I need to get done and it scares the shit out of me. I’m going to need to be very on top of getting things done when they need to be done. That hasn’t been my strong point over the past several months, but the Venlafaxine hydrochloride has been helping me with that.

It feels good to be in control of what I want to do, and being able to do it. As much as I don’t quite feel in control or happy with work at times, (I’m working on fixing that.) I do more of an overall sense of control with my life.

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