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Clean Fit

by nickb on April 23rd, 2007

I went looking for a pair of pants that I could mop the floor in.. (I’ve had the unfortunate habit of cleaning in some of my better clothes and subsequently ruining them with bleach marks. What can I say? I’m not a very clean cleaner.)

In doing this I was rummaging through my closet and noted an older pair of cargo pants that I hadn’t worn in quite some time because well, they didn’t fit anymore. Very nicely I put them on and they were a perfect fit. They’ll need a little work because the front button is missing, no doubt from a time I squeezed into them, and they didn’t take kindly to the assault.

On the other hand I’ve got pants that don’t fit right now because they’re too damn big, and my belt needs yet another hole added to it.

Where as all this weight been going? I have to give Barron some credit.. The messy kitchen has encouraged me to avoid it, and thus avoid food… See Cindy, I can attribute positives to her…

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