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As much as things change, not much changes.

by nickb on May 4th, 2007

So Jenni and I spent a good chunk of time together when we somehow wandered across the subject of HTML, and HTML lists. Low and behold she remembered an off the wall comment I made to her blog three and a half years ago.. Reproduced for your viewing pleasure here in full PEIDM monochrome:

In other randomness, I’m going to teach you to use HTML lists, because hard coded ones give me a hemorrhoid. (Seriously, I asked my doctor why I got hemorrhoids, and she said “hard coded lists on webpages.”)

That was three and a half years ago… I had no clue I wrote that… Although, given the state of things too many people are still using hard coded lists in HTML, but not as many as in the past…

I graduate from college later today. That is as soon as I finish writing this paper… Some things never quite change, specifically that I struggle writing papers on topics I’m not really interested in, but low and behold I can write far too much about the national debt… A bunch has changed since I graduated Upper School 2891 days ago, but not apparently not everything has changed.

Eh, at least I didn’t wait to start reading the books it until the day it was due. So something has gotten changed……

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