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Painful Observations

by nickb on May 7th, 2007

So I spent a good chunk of today wiping and reinstalling Windows XP on my dad’s computer.

I’ve got a few observations:

  1. Why the fuck does Microsoft offer to download outdated software?! I started running Windows/Microsoft Update to get his computer all of the bug fixes and security updates, and in the process I downloaded Windows Media Player 10, and Windows Media Player 11. Plus I had to download a cackle of security updates, then SP2, then a cackle of more security updates. Why not just roll SP2 and the security updates together? Apple does this all the time in their updates for OS X, and it makes things a bit saner.
  2. What the fuck is Microsoft’s deal with popup bubbles? I’m half willing to think that it makes someone in Redmond horny, because I don’t see any other reason for the damn things. They keep popping up and annoying me info. Please, stay out of my way
  3. And most of all, why the green hill as the default desktop image? Did someone enjoy watching The Sound of Music a little too much?

Okay, thats a enough, any more and this’ll turn into even more of an anti-microsoft rant that it already is.

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