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Mariage Etc.

by Nicholas Barnard on May 9th, 2010

I’m doing a bit of cleaning out of those entries that I started but never finished… Here is one titled Marriage etc. As I remember it was a response to a Facebook discussion, or something along those lines. The file date on it is December 21, 2008.

Interesting idea to think about: The Salvation Army (a church) is in favor of not having Christmas be recognized as a federal holiday. Why? Because having the government recognize such a special day diminishes the experience.

I don’t like the fact that some religions can and have chosen to recognize gay marriages, but because of other church’s beliefs they are unable to bestow the same legal rights on gay couples as they do on straight couples. This is clearly an infringement of freedom of speech/religion. So by banning gay marriage you are actually infringing on freedom of religion.

I know ministers who will not sign marriage licenses for this very reason.

Jared, I’m reminded of the scene in Jurassic Park (the book, not the movie) where they’re amazed that they discover the dinosaurs are breeding because the computer system they’ve set up to track them only checks for the preset number that it expects to there to be. They’re only looking to make sure they’re not losing dinosaur…

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