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What We Must Cherish

by nickb on November 23rd, 2011

I am finally cleaning out a stack of blog entries that I hand wrote a long time ago, and have been shuffling around and procrastinating on.

One of the entries I threw away, it just didn’t seem interesting or relevant. The other I really liked. Contrary to the beginning of this entry I feel very well cared for, both by others and myself. That being said I agree with myself. This entry has a date of April 28 at 8:08 pm Pacific. What year I wrote it I don’t know, but its sometime between 2006 and 2010.

Sometimes, I feel as if I’m completely alone in this world in looking out for me; I’m the only one taking care of Nick.

Things have been rough as of late. I’ve felt as if the only one cares for me and lately I don’t even feel like I care for myself.

Its really hardening then when someone else reaches out and shows that they care, especially when they put me in front of a lot of other really important interactions with other people. I need to really make note of this, and hold onto it. Often, I forget about them and let them fall to the wayside in the hustle and bustle of my day.

Its these interactions that matter the most, its these that make life worth it, these are what we’re here for. This is what we must cherish.

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