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I’ve won!

by nickb on March 2nd, 2003

No, not the lottery, but its almost as good.

What have I won?

The battle of the laundry. Yes indeedy, while there are still a few dirty stragglers holding out hope in my hamper all of my clothing is clean. I think this is about the only time I’ve ever had this happen.

I’ve learned a few things though:

  1. I own way too much underwear (they’re the gay man’s equivalent to women’s shoes, what can I say? I need variety!)
  2. I also have way too many socks. (I went on a buying spree after being forced to wear the same pair for about two weeks.)
  3. While I’ve won one war, I’m now fighting the battle of storage, where the hell do I put all this? (sigh, you see war never is a good thing.)

Okay just a fun little jaunt into my psychotic world!

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