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Things I’ve Learned

by nickb on March 23rd, 2003

I’ve had a pretty lazy day so far today, but I’ve learned a couple of things.

  1. Building a Soda Bottle Bioreactor is a much easier task that the instructions make it out to be.
  2. Vegetables left in a plastic bag in your kitchen cease to have any recognizable form after about four or five weeks.
  3. Mold comes in several different colors.
  4. Even evil men like Saddam Hussein are still human and have feelings.
  5. People who want to go to war don’t give up.
  6. America has had a track record of being pussyfooted with war’s recently, not finishing them to the end.
  7. Stupid people can be elected to very high ranking positions (okay, i didn’t learn this today)
  8. Don’t rely on friends who have admitted history of procrastination to save you from your own procrastination, this is like asking an alcoholic to get another alcoholic to stop drinking.
  9. Living alone had its advantages. (namely at the moment writing an eJournal entry half naked in the living room.
  10. Having a roommate probably has advantages as well, and its always great to help out a friend.
  11. Never doubt the ability of someone between the age of 16 and 25 to consume mass amounts of time sleeping.
  12. Computers never do what you ask them to do the first time, even if they are UNIX based.
  13. Putting things in the past symbolically is an interesting way of dealing with it.
  14. Lists are a poor man’s way to deal with things.

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