Origin Ruminations 3
First off, Kudos to Marshall.
I’ve been rethinking Origin Ruminations 2.
I’m convinced now that it is crap.
I’m not going to pull back from Origin Ruminations. While Two is about positing why a First cause exists, One is about just finding somewhere to place the world upon.
How’d I get here? I read my philosophy professor’s paper arguing for a first cause. I began to realize that the people who will argue for a First cause, often honestly don’t give a rats ass about developing a secular framework on which to rest the the world, but instead are taking the backdoor to proving a god.
I’ve been redebating some of these ideas. My understanding of the Buddhist tradition is that there is no need for such constructs. To quote Marshal: “universe a single, unified, conscious, eternal, super-material entity.”
But the other question is can reality be a loop? This would remove the need for a first cause and remove the need to speculate that the universe is infinitely existing and somehow attempt to justify that. I’ven’t thought more on how this would work, but it definitely is an idea that I’ven’t seen explored, but I might delve into it more.