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Obligatory Checkin

by nickb on April 24th, 2005

I’ve been vamping lately. Getting the things that need to be done, done. My bike and car are both fixed. My dishes are (mostly) clean. I finally made that Banana Bread.

I’m a bit annoyed by where the Catholic Church has gone. To quote a co-worker, “Why does everything have to be so fucking conservative?” I read (among other articles) two at the New York Times, on Pope Benedict XVI. One right after his papacy was announced, and another looking at his history.

I can tell you right off he’s not a fan of Nietzsche. This has kept me pondering why its such a necessary condition that people believe in something, or anything? I see metaphysics/epistemology as a way to agree on givens to structure a view of the world upon. They in and of themselves don’t matter, they’re just a methodology to ensure that Philosophy is somehow logically sound. I need to read more Buddhism, but I’m going to start with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence. Not quite Buddism, but I’m told its a good read, perhaps it will allow me to reinforce that moral relativism that every damn conservative is so worried about.

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