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Well that was Fun

by nickb on December 18th, 2006

Ahhh… So the northwest had our took out the newspapers for the first time in over fifty years. It’s also made Landings a bit fun for planes.

The island that I live on was hit particularly hard. We were without power for about 58 hours, on my end of the island. I got really good at keeping the fire going and I knocked out a book or two. I also enlisted the services of the sewer rats for their lap warming ability.

Its going to be an interesting week on the island, as the south end is going to be without power for probably another day or two.

I ran into my District Manager at Starbucks while I was filling in at a very busy store, and she emphasized that “this isn’t normal.” Yup, I know I’ve worked my way though disasters before, and I know they’re crazy..

But at least everyone got their coffee this time…

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