Site Masthead: Nick's Place in non-serif white text superimposed over a bright orange high contrast tinted photograph of a brick wall taken in an extreme close up. The brick is photographed with the long continuous lines of grout running vertically. The image is displayed upside-down so the disappearing point for the grout is below the image.

Nick's Place

Nick's Place: Personal Marketing

Nicholas Barnard


Case #4

Professor Reiman

I am a dreamer. Not that you'll find me staring into space doing nothing while I need to be working. I am someone who naturally looks for creative, imaginative, practical, and unique solution to a problem. But I've also come to realize and learned to identify the simplest solution to a problem is often the best solution.

I am a visionary. I am someone who looks to the future and sees where we can and should be. I set personal and organizational goals for the future, and I divide these goals into manageable pieces so that they can be achieved.

I am detail oriented. I recognize and ensure that all the pieces that need to be done to get to our ultimate goal, from the smallest paragraph of the most insignificant document, to the all-important visual that will set the tone of the entire project.

I am a worker. I believe in rolling up my sleeves and washing the dishes, cleaning the floor, and taking care of the most mundane task when it needs done. I understand that my time is valuable, but I also understand that I must have a commitment toward every aspect of the organization.

I am a team leader. I am experienced in setting the tone and leading a group of professionals and working with them to the conclusion of the project.

I am a delegator. I recognize that in being a team leader it is impossible and impractical for me to perform all the jobs. I am able to identify the skills and strengths of the people around me, and delegating to them the job that best suits their skills. I also recognize while delegating, that I also provide guidance and direction to those under me.

I am a motivator. I have honed my interpersonal skills to ease the concerns of the people around me, and to motivate them to succeed and push both themselves and myself to be excellent.

I am flexible. While I prefer to plan and begin work on tasks as soon as possible. I also have grown quite skilled at working on projects that are handed to me with barely enough time to complete them, and delivering a polished and well executed solution to the project.

I am a searcher. I understand that I don't always have the knowledge needed to complete the task, and I have well developed research skills to find the knowledge in the fastest and most thorough possible manner to complete the task.

I am a resource identifier. I pay attention to the resources around me, and research the abilities of the people and companies around me, and keep mental catalogs of what their abilities and inventories are. When presented with a need I often have the information available at my fingertips.

I am a dreaming, detail oriented, visionary, who focuses getting to the long term goal while being flexible enough to take care of the short term projects when that is needed. I am someone who takes ownership in what I do, pride in who I am and pride in what I have accomplished, and what I can accomplish.