Executive Board Minutes
Date: October 15, 2002
Time: 4:05 PM
Place: E334 SU -- Career Services Conference Room
Molly Rice, President
Jeremy Wright, Vice President
Duncan Hines, Treasurer
Nicholas Barnard, Secretary
Tom Lewis, Office Manager
Toyna Mathis, Student Life Advisor
Charles Long, Faculty Advisor (Excused)
- Sales tax problem with the Popcorn caused by Nick.
- Nick will see if we can get a refund of tax with Party Time
- Furniture came off this years budget and not last years budget
- Tonya/Katie Detrick will take care of this
- We had a loss on Object Code 1430 (Teaching) of $303.71 on October, 14.
- Toyna and Duncan will follow up on this
- Rocky Horror check Went out
- Toyna is still following up on this
- Manufacturer is sending it out this week (Supposedly)
Office Use
- Molly found a stain on carpet, trash around, people aren't cleaning up after themselves
- Molly: The office should be"Safe Space" but it is being misused
- Nick: Video game system might go, the office is getting messy in general
- We discussed the need for office rules
- EBoard is getting frustrated with the the office
- We need to start communication what we think with the members
- Molly feels we need to go back to a more supportive place
- Nick: This could be come a funding issue
- Decision: We're going to ask the member in question to remove the N64 and movies.
- We need to get the office cleaned first, then keep it clean
- Decided Plan: Eboard will follow up on cleaning up
- A poster describing rules
BSU Speaker
- Tom and Jeremy received a contact from BSU for a speaker who will give
a black cultural perspective about closeted bisexual men who have anonymous sex
and spread diseases
- Tom will follow up and get time/date
- Lambda is going to give $200.00 for the speaker
Multi cultural Halloween Festival
- Its on October 31st
- They want money
- Jeremy is on the planning committee
- They might have the drummers, but will have various dancers from different cultures
- Having a costume contest the winner will receive a round trip airplane ticket to a destination of their choice
- An Open Mic time
- MHC are seeking community donations
- MHC want some money from us to offset costs
- Duncan: We Need to know numbers from MHC
- Jeremy will contact them to get the numbers
- Duncan: We'll donate after we've seen a budget
Aids Resource Center
- Kat Steiner of ARC wants to know what she can do for us. We defiantly need dental damns, lube, gloves, maybe non-latex condoms?
Office Supplies
- We had a contact said we can get Bumper stickers, Pins, Etc...
- Printer We're paying for it, we need to order it through Billie
- Drawers in the cabinet, need to be gotten rid of
Do the U
- Popcorn worked well
- We ran out of slinkies -- Not sure what we should order next
- We're not doing anything
- Cece signed up to run for Queen with Lambda Union