Executive Board Minutes
Date: September 17, 2002
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: E334 SU - Career Services Confrence Room
- Charles Long, Faculty Advisor
- Tonya Mathis, Student Life Advisor
- Jeremy Wright, Vice President
- Duncan Hines, Treasurer
- Tom Lewis, Office Manager
- Nicholas Barnard, Secretary
- Molly Rice, President (Excused, but make a phone call to the
- No Responses Yet
- Jesse Jackson and Maya Angelou are out - Too expensive
- Margaret Cho - A possibility, she has a reduced rate for
Fall Fest
- Popcorn Machine Fell through
- Getting a Helium tank - We'll have Balloons, Slinkies,
Literature, Safe Space, Cups, Email Signup
- Nick will get something to move the tankTable Schedule was
determined. Molly is working 9am-3pm except the 1-2 hour. Nick is
working 9am-11am, 12pm-1pm, and 2pm-3pm. Tom is working the
11am-12pm shift. Duncan is working the 1pm-2pm shift
- Popcorn - We reconsidered doing the popcorn idea for the
October Club Fair, or at Spring Fair
Office Hours
- All Eboard members need to get their office hours to Nick ASAP,
hopefully by Monday
- Webpage bios to Nick ASAP
- Our phones are down with the move. Jeremy will change the
voicemail to inform callers of that. We should have a phone by next
week and an Internet connection a little later than that
- Tom got everyone new keys to the cabinet
- The Door code was shared for new e-board members.
- Physical plant needs to get some cleaning done in the office.
Jeremy will contact them
- We're removing the crush velvet couch, and replacing it with
Tom's couch. We need to sell it or give it away
Appointed Positions
- Molly and Jeremy will write descriptions of the positions.
- We will announce it at the meeting this Wednesday.
- Appointed Position holders will hold two office hours
Panel Program
- We have a class session for a UVC course already requested -
Wanting a diverse panel
- We have has some flyers torn down within 24 hours of being
- Tom stated: everything gets torn down
Faculty/Student Mixer
- Nick brought an idea forth from a new faculty member that we
should have a mixer/social event with GLBT faculty to promote
- Charles stated that he felt that there weren't enough faculty
and staff that would participate due to various reasons
- Papa Johns or Dominos for tomorrow, not the Landing Strip.
- pizzas and soda for the meeting tomorrow