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The Glass is definitely half full

by nickb on January 19th, 2007

  1. I have to deal with “Barron’s” bullshit.
  2. Financially, I’m more or less screwed.
  3. Professionally I’ve gone from a challenging 39k a year job on a nice promotion track to being a shift supervisor at Starbucks. Which is fun, but just well isn’t the same.
  4. Generally the future is in doubt, and unclear.

But the glass is half full.

I finally gave into my craving for ice cream and was going to give in and hop in the car and drive because I thought it was cold out. (I try to walk everywhere, and driving from my house to the grocery store without a needed off island stop is against my “rule”.) So I get outside and the weather is beautiful. has it as a “feels like” 40 degrees. Covington, Kentucky right now has a “feels like” 26 degrees. Ahh.. I love Seattle weather! (Even if it gets crazy every so often and takes the power out.)

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